The Basehor-Linwood Elementary School's Site Council is a building-based panel consisting of BES parents, teachers, Student Council members, principal, and community members. It operates under the guidance of a Chairperson with minutes recorded by the Secretary.
The purpose of the Site Council is to provide advice in evaluating state, school district, and school site performance goals and objectives and in determining methods employed at the school site to meet those goals and objectives. Site Council provides a forum to discuss and maintain open lines of communication among parents, students, staff, community members and the USD 458 Board of Education in the areas of district operations, building programs, curriculum and facility environment. The work of the Site Council is advisory only, making recommendations, not decisions.
Anyone interested in being a part of the BES Site Council should contact the Site Council Chairperson or Lisa Konzem, BES Principal. Meetings are open to the public and are held in the school library at BIS. Dates and times are published in the district calendar and the BES Bluejay Bulletin. Site Council meetings comply with all applicable conditions of the Kansas Open Meetings Act and the Kansas Open Records Act.